Monday, April 25, 2011

(Sweet Dee) Day 13 - Book Club / Cheat Day! AND Day 14...

Saturday morning was another book club meeting - I LOVE book club meeting days!

Needless to say, I ate a little bit of everything that people brought - it was all SO delicious!  
I had some cheese pizza for lunch afterward which was wonderful, and kind of carried over into dinner since I ate so late... but I couldn't resist an arepas at the Kill Scout Bout! 

Sunday I had a pretty relaxing day (getting up late, doing a clothing exchange at the warehouse with some of the girls, grocery store, then watching movies all afternoon / night - although I did hit the gym).  Unfortunately I got a little carried away at the grocery, and ended up carrying my cheat day over a bit to Sunday as well.  I'm a bit dissapointed with myself, but I still felt that in general I ate pretty healthfully (except for the cheese).  I think my big mistake was buying the wine for Saturday.  I had a 1/2 a bottle left on Sunday and hate it when things go to waste.  So I decided it was OK if I finished it the next day - but that also meant I gave myself more allowances on food.  Ugh - I have to knock that off.  Weekends tempt me more than any other days of the week!

Luckily even with all of the indulgences this weekend I still got in lots of workout time!  YEAH!!  I'm proud of myself for that, if not for the weaknesses with food.

FOOD - Saturday
Book Club Brunch (danish, 1/2 a muffin, 2 cups coffee w/ agave & soymilk, baked french toast, breakfast egg & veggie casserole, 1/2 a cupcake)

Whole Foods pre-made tomato & mozzarella pizza, 2 glasses of red wine, small cup of poblano pepper casserole.

Arepas (with plantains, cheese, sauce, and avocado)

FOOD - Sunday
Powerball & a banana, with 2 cups of berry antioxidant tea, and 1 serving of leftover egg casserole.

Whole Foods lunch (yes, I went again today and got some more yummies & other stuff for the week).  Brie Cheese on whole wheat matzo cracker (alternating fig preserves with strawberries & fruits), 2 glasses of red wine, some olives, cup of lobster bisque.  I like to think of it as my European lunch - a little bit of everything. 

Leftover mashed potatoes (about 1 cup) with last of leftover cheese.

1/2 a leftover cupcake

EXERCISE - Saturday 
30 minutes on elliptical machine
20 minutes on treadmill (alternating walking at high incline w/ jogging at a lower incline)

20 minutes on incline bike
30 minutes on elliptical machine
10 minutes on treadmill (walking at a high incline)

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